.Cart-face:after { content: '${ defaultFace }' } .Cart:not(.is-open):hover .Cart-face:after { content: '${ hoverFace }' } .Cart-totalCount:after { content: '${ count }' } .Cart.is-open .Cart-totalCount:after { content: '✕' }
Cart is hungry
Total ${ formatMoney(subtotal) }
  • Flying Vest Dress
  • Flying Vest Dress
  • Flying Vest Dress
  • Flying Vest Dress
  • Flying Vest Dress
  • Flying Vest Dress


Family members of our Wings Vest, but with trifles-ruffles skirt, made of flowery embroidered-cotton fabric, strangely giving a feeling of a holy creature from Victorian era who is attending a party in 1920s , yet so modern. Nice and light for spring/summer time. 

Born in London , made in Thailand.

  • ${ option.name }: