.Cart-face:after { content: '${ defaultFace }' } .Cart:not(.is-open):hover .Cart-face:after { content: '${ hoverFace }' } .Cart-totalCount:after { content: '${ count }' } .Cart.is-open .Cart-totalCount:after { content: '✕' }
Cart is hungry
Total ${ formatMoney(subtotal) }
  • Wings Puffer
  • Wings Puffer
  • Wings Puffer
  • Wings Puffer
  • Wings Puffer
  • Wings Puffer
  • Wings Puffer
  • Wings Puffer


Cozy lightweight goose-bump proof premium goose feather puffer. Bewoven with the VeniceW Eye stitching on the back side and adjustable wings with a snap! Compactable and includes a "stuff sack". 

[Century Egg] = black
[Egg White] = white

  • ${ option.name }: